| 1. | A study on the object of crime of commercial espionage 侵犯商业秘密罪的对象研究 |
| 2. | On object of crime not being one of the constitutive elements of crime 论犯罪客体不是犯罪构成要件 |
| 3. | While our country ' s criminal law scholars " different answers to this problem form the different views to object of crime 而我国刑法学者对此问题的不同回答则形成了对犯罪客体自身涵义的不同界说。 |
| 4. | In the face of the above theoretical dispute , it is very essential and important to further investigate object of crime 面对上述理论纷争,深入研究犯罪客体是十分必要和重要的,这也正是本文的选题初衷。 |
| 5. | Chapter i analyzes the origin and development of the theories on the violated object of crime by employing the historical research approach 第一章采用历史研究的方法,对犯罪客体的来源及发展过程作了一简要梳理。 |
| 6. | Chapter two discusses elements of crime includes : object of crime objective requisites of crime subject of crime and subjective requisites of crime 第二章犯罪构成,从客体、客观要件、主体、主观要件四个方面对巨额财产来源不明罪进行了论述。 |
| 7. | As to this , chinese criminal jurisprudence has a great deal of different views to object of crime ' s necessary existence in whole constitutive elements of crime 对此,中国刑法学界对犯罪客体在犯罪构成整体中的存在必要性有诸多不同的观点和看法。 |
| 8. | Secondly , meaning of object of crime is an answer to the fundamental theoretical problem of " what is object of crime " or " object of crime is what " 其次,犯罪客体的指称意义,实际是对“什么是犯罪客体”或“犯罪客体是什么”这一基本理论概念问题的回答。 |
| 9. | The reason why the crimes of contract fraud depart from the fraud is the crimes of contract fraud has different characters on the subject of crime , the object of crime , the dangerous act , etc . from the fraud 合同诈骗罪之所以从诈骗罪中分离出来,是因为合同诈骗罪在犯罪主体、犯罪客体、犯罪行为的具体方式等方面与诈骗罪有着不同的特点。 |
| 10. | In this model , whether object of crime occupies status or not and which kind of status it occupies is prerequisite and basic problem that it cannot avoid to solve constitutive elements of crime ' s whole concrete structure 在此模型中,犯罪客体是否占有地位及其占据何种地位,是解决犯罪构成整体具体结构问题的不可回避的前提性和基础性问题。 |